EATM Master plan Compliance – from a LARA perspective
EUROCONTROL provides support to the ATM community in planning and reporting their progress on implementing the ATM Master Plan. The results of this reporting exercise are compiled yearly in a set of Local Single Sky ImPlementation (LSSIP) documents. The LSSIP documents then feed into the annual European ATM Master Plan Level 3 Progress Report.
As part of Airspace Organization and Management (AOM) these reports detail required steps in the implementation of FUA and the use of an ASM Support System. With our in-depth knowledge on the use and deployment of LARA we assembled an overview on AOM compliance from the ASM System point of view. Below you will find applicable AOMs and a graphical overview taking our data into account.
AOM 19.1 ASP01 – Deploy automated ASM support systems
Description & Purpose: Deploy Airspace Management (ASM) support systems (LARA or locally developed ones) to support the local or sub-regional airspace planning and allocation.

AOM 19.1 ASP02 – Implement interoperability of local ASM support system with NM system
Description & Purpose: Implement interoperability of local ASM support system with NM system comprising the following:
- Adapt local ASM support systems to make them interoperable with NM system (AIXM 5.1 interface);
- Conclude the Operational Access Acceptance Activities required to validate the ASM tool interfacing NM system via B2B service;
- Update the existing Agreement with NM in order to cover B2B services.

AOM 19.1 ASP03 – Improve planning and allocation of airspace booking (ANS Provider)
Description & Purpose: Improve planning and allocation of reserved/segregated airspace at pre-tactical ASM level 2 by:
- Planning reserved/segregated airspace utilization in accordance with actual need.
- Releasing reserved/segregated non used airspace as soon as activity stops.
- Utilizing reserved/segregated airspace that has not been planned in AUP
This should be enabled by the measurement of FUA Indicators, described in detail in Section 7 of the ERNIP Part 3 ASM Handbook, using PRISMIL (Pan-European Repository of Information Supporting Military) or any other tool providing the required functionality. The measurement of FUA performance is required by Article 4(1)(m-n) of the FUA Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 2150/2005) and by the SES Performance Scheme (Regulation (EU) No 390/2013).

AOM 19.2 ASP01 – Adapt ATM systems for real-time ASM data exchanges (ANS Provider)
Description & Purpose: Adapt ATM systems to exchange airspace reservation (ARES) messages containing real time (tactical) activation status of predefined airspace structures with local ASM support systems and to display airspace status data at the CWP.

AOM 19.2 ASP03 – Implement procedures related to real-time (tactical) ASM level III information exchange (ANS Provider)
Description & Purpose: Develop and implement the ASM/ATFCM and ATC procedures for ASM real time data exchanges with different actors and systems (NM, Military authorities, AMC, ATC).
Please note: The below graphic is only looking at the use of an ASM System in the tactical phase of airspace management!