Category: LARA
LARA Notice 03/2019/B
A new LARA Notice (03/2019/B) has been published on NM B2B certificate updates.
LARA Notice 03/2019
A new LARA Notice (03/2019) has been published on migration configuration parameters.
LARA V3.0.13.8 Release Available
A new LARA V3.0 release (LARA V3.0.13.8) is available at A high-level summary of the changes is available in the associated Release Note. If migration to LARA V3.1 is envisaged in the near future, please consider the LARA Notice 03/2019.
LARA V3.1 Released
LARA V3.1 software (LARA V3.1.0.10) and full set of documentation is available for download. From the top menu follow: LARA libraries -> General library -> Software and documentation -> LARA V3.1 Note related to EDQ: if a LARA Housekeeper would need to: This is currently NOT supported for the datasets downloaded from the online EDQ…