Category: LARA

  • LARA Notice 03/2017

    A new LARA Notice (03/2017) has been published on airspace data completeness.

  • LARA Notice 02/2017

    A new LARA Notice (02/2017) has been published on a Java issue with NM B2B certificates.

  • LARA Notice 01/2017

    A new LARA Notice (01/2017) has been published on NM B2B compatibility.

  • 10 Years of LARA

    10-year old LARA has transformed civil-military coordination. LARA is ten years old. A system for collaborative decision-making designed to support and enhance the Flexible Use of Airspace, LARA provides a user-friendly interface for online airspace management (ASM). It underpins transparent coordination in all phases of ASM and maximises task automation. By giving stakeholders easy and…