Category: LARA
LARA V3.0 Refreshment Training
During 25th – 28th of April, LARA V3 introduction and refrehment training has taken place at EUROCONTROL HQ. A dedicated OPS training has been performed the 25-26th of April,while a TECH introduction has been given during the 27-28th of April. The aim was to cover, from a typical LARA V2.2 to an upgraded LARA V3.0…
LARA V2.2 B2B Client Supporting FUA Restrictions
A LARA V2.2.8.6 Client release is available to support new AUP Template, including FUA Restrictions. Since FBZ have been introduced, they were available within LARA V2.2 as separated airspace definition, available via conventional CACD files import. As NM B2B communication of AUP/UUP requires a data translation into AIXM5.1, some LARA Users were already considering a…
LARA V3.0 Workshop
EUROCONTROL HQ15 October 2015 – 10:00 Pollux Draft Agenda 10:00 Welcome and Introduction 10:15 LARA V3 Testing Debrief 11:30 Lunch 12:15 LARA V3 Issues prioritization 14:00 Discussion 15:00 Proposed way ahread 15:30 LARA V 3 refined milestones 16:30 AOB and conclusion 17:00 End of meeting