Category: LARA

  • LARA Notice 03/2015

    A new LARA Notice (03/2015) has been published on a manual activation issue.

  • LARA V3.0 Beta Version

    A beta version of LARA V3.0 is available for early testing campaign. All software modules and early documentation are available here.

  • LARA Newsletter August 2015

    Deployment The number of countries to implement LARA has reached 19. 2015 is a busy year for the LARA Team, encompassing implementation support and training in various countries, supporting CS4 and SESAR Validation activities, and finalizing the new software version LARA V3. Since end of 2014, the LARA Team have held training and/or information sessions…

  • LARA SG Draft Agenda

    EUROCONTROL HQ21 May 2015 – 09:30 in Jupiter LARA Steering Group Meeting 06 Provisional AGENDA Download the PDF file.