Category: LARA

  • LARA Implementation in Finland

    LARA V4.0 AMC Finland video released Sept 2023

  • LARA Awarded at AIW in Madrid

    September 2023 saw EUROCONTROL’s LARA – short for ‘Local And sub-Regional Airspace Management Support System’ – tool achieve two major milestones. LARA – which integrates civil and military users into a joint platform that applies advanced flexible use of airspace (AFUA) principles to enable collaborative decision-making and provide live situational awareness to civil and military…

  • LARA QGIS Template

    A LARA QGIS template is available for download within Adds_On_V4.0 directory. A README file is describing a step-by-step procedure to use it with your own LARA airspace data.

  • LARA Newsletter Summer 2023

    The Latest LARA Statistics In Europe: Outside of Europe: Recent Activities The lists of countries using LARA is not only increasing, also the scope of use within many countries is widening. Here some recent examples: The LARA Team conducted LARA Training Sessions for Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Croatia and Austria. A training for civil and…