Category: LARA

  • LARA Notice 01/2015

    A new LARA Notice (01/2015) has been published on a display bug.

  • LARA V2.2 B2B Client

    A new patch release (LARA V2.2.5.6) is now available for download. Additionally to some fixes described in the distribution notes, it also supports initial NM B2B AUP/UUP data exchange. The new LARA V2.2.5.6 patch release now supports B2B AUP/UUP data exchanges. It is available for download here.

  • Testing NM B2B Access

    A small test facility is now available for assessing your access to NM B2B Airspace Services In the preparation of LARA V3.0 delivery where: A test package has been compiled in order to facilitate the assessment of the NM B2B certificate, user and password usage. To access NM B2B services, you do need indeed first…


    LARA LPI V2.2 is now available for download. The LARA V2.2 Adds-on have now been upgraded such that the LARA PRISMIL Interface (LPI) is now available for download.