Category: News

  • Enhanced Graphical Visualisation of Downloaded Airspace

    On users request, some enhancements have been made for the graphical visualisation of the downloaded airspace data. In order to facilitate the sorting and layered display of the entities extracted from the online data base, new data subdivision for points and areas has allowed to regroup them in different sub-folders in Google Maps and Google…

  • EU Supports Better Airport and Airspace Coordination with Grant

    The EU will support with almost €4 million from the TEN-T Programme a project to support and accelerate Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) and Airspace Management (ASM) with a view of optimising resources at European airports and progressing towards an efficient and flexible use of airspace. (Source: TEN-T EA Website) The aim of the project,…

  • LARA Team Awarded by AEA

    Alberto Varano, the President of the EUROCONTROL Agency Excellence Award (AEA) Selection Board, announced on 11 December 2012 that the 2nd-place Award-winners are the AFUA – Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace team, for their successful production of a prototype that supports the AUP/UUP workflow based on web services, and for using this to run successfully…

  • Results of the PENS-LARA Validation Test Trials in SESAR WP 15.2.10

    The Local And sub-Regional Airspace management support system (LARA) has been considered for Pan-European Network Service (PENS) testing purposes in the context of SESAR. Pan-European Network Service (PENS) PENS is a joint EUROCONTROL/ANSPs-led initiative to provide a common Internet protocol (IP)-based network service across the European region covering voice and data communication providing efficient support…