This short overview highlights the expected developments required in LARA until 2030. The main drivers for these changes are:
- Compliance with relevant EU regulations and standards.
- SWIM-based interoperability with iNM and other relevant systems.
- Contributing to and enabling relevant ATM /ASM evolutions (DMAs, VPAs, AI, etc.).
- Operational support: facilitating seamless cross-border civil-military coordination during airspace management planning and execution phases.
- Further evolution of the Web Booking Client.
Enable sharing and collaborative working across national borders in airspace management
Focused on the planning and execution phases of airspace management, LARA shall support SWIM-based sharing of airspace planning and status information between LARA clusters, and with other systems.
Manage and share a complete set of airspace volumes
The functionalities of LARA/EDQ shall be extended to manage airspace volumes which are beyond the scope of NM. EDQ shall be enhanced to upload, manage and export relevant ASM structures and make these available to a wide variety of systems and users. This includes newly created ad-hoc areas, structures relevant for U-space services, and high-altitude airspace operations. Interoperability with AIM databases and systems could be envisaged.
Integration of ATFCM data
The availability of ATFCM information on LARA is key to functionalities required for the implementation of the demand-capacity balancing (DCB) / dynamic airspace configuration (DAC) concepts envisaged to be in place by 2029. In addition, LARA users would be able to assess the potential impact of their reservations, scenarios, and P3s on the network. De-confliction already in the mission preparation phase reduces the need for CDM at a later stage.
Support D-NOTAM processing
LARA shall process ASM relevant D-NOTAM information and generate D-NOTAM proposals for relevant ASM publications via a bidirectional interface.
Two-way communication with ATC systems and CIMACT
In addition to the airspace status interface, LARA shall be enabled to communicate with ATC Systems, including CIMACT, to exchange confirmation and acknowledgement messages for airspace (de)activations. This interface will be developed as a standard SWIM-compliant interface.
Provision of on-line performance indicators
Independent calculation of tailored, continuously updated performance indicators and direct visualisation in the LWP integrated with CIMACT and PRISMIL/CURA. Performance indicators as input during the planning and negotiation phases would facilitate the CDM process and support thje performance-driven approach in the ASM.
Enable secure data exchange with mission planning systems
Mission trajectory information in the different phases will be shared with other systems, e.g., the required ARES for a mission trajectory can be coordinated system-to-system between LARA and mission planning systems. Security of the data exchange is a key concern that needs to be assured.
Support dynamic mobile areas
LARA will calculate and design the required airspace dimensions and position of the DMA (type 1 and 2) taking in account several flexible parameters, such as location, time, and altitude.
Support airspace configuration management
Airspace configuration is a pre-defined and coordinated organisation of routes and their associated airspace structures, temporary airspace reservations and ATC sectorisation. Airspace configuration management functionalities and specific interfaces in LARA will need to be integrated following iNM implementation.
Further integration of LARA, CIMACT and PRISMIL
Many of the aforementioned functionalities will benefit from a better integration of the already existing civil-military support systems. Often, functionality is complementary and combing these further will generate synergies. The aim is to offer an improved civil-military cooperation solution for 2030 and beyond.